Our Offers (A1-C2)

Individual One-On-One Lessons

It is possible to adhere specifically to the personal wishes of the course participant. The duration and number of teaching units are determined together with the participant, keeping their learning objective in focus. We offer the greatest possible flexibility in the selection of course days and times.

Group Courses

The maximum number of participants is 8. A placement test determines the level of each participant before the start of the course. Group courses offer diversity in the classroom due to the different needs of the participants, as well as the opportunity to get to know new people and cultures.

Job-Specific Courses

In these courses, the job-specific vocabulary from the respective professional groups will enable students to learn the language (service industry, warehousing/logistics, retail, health care etc.).

These lessons are practical, targeted and modular, so that intercultural aspects are also part of it.

Exam preparation

to achieve the A1-C2 certificates.

One-time placement test upon request

The four skills listening, speaking, writing, and reading are evaluated separately in order to be able to give a differentiated recommendation.


of Masters theses and Doctoral dissertations, articles as well as lectures.